
Metal Gear Chaos: Chapter 3

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HyperShadow55's avatar

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Silver laid there like a useless doll. The neurotoxin from the dart affected his bloodstream. Still breathing, just unconscious. Snake looked back over her shoulder one more time. Just to make sure the neurotoxin was fully in his nervous system.

Snake did not have a choice but to injure him. Sure he could have found some other way to handle the situation, he could have killed the kid. But, that's not Snake's style. Snake wasn't that kind of guy to kill someone that young.

With the moon still high in the sky. Snake knew the night was still young. He had to keep searching for the blue hedgehog. It was a matter of life or death. Without the seven chaos emeralds. All hope will be lost. The terrible thoughts about his universe in shambles, haunted his mind.

"I can't let everyone down." Snake said to himself. "Especially Otacon."
Snake sat down on the dirt path. He got a pack of cigarettes from his harness pouch. In that same pouch he took out a lighter. He flicked his thumb on the flint. The flame lit the cigarette. The end of the
cigarette turned bright orange, while smoke was lifted into the air.

Snake has always been a heavy smoker. He has been asked to quit several times before. He never listens. Either cigarettes as a way to escape reality. To disable the pressure and pain in life, or at least until the cigarette runs out. Snake with the cigarettes back in the pouch, along with the lighter.

Snake stood back up. He wasted enough time. Time to get back to
business. The cicadas and crickets noise seem to get louder as the night went. Snake scanned the area with his Soliton Radar. He was in the heart of the forest. There was an open area up ahead. No personnel appeared on the radar.

For five minutes, Snake walk down the path searching through the trees just to make sure the radar wasn't lying. Dead on accurate, nothing appeared on the radar. Snake took out the cigarette between his lips. Snake let out a cough. He held in the smoke too long.

Snake tossed cigarette down to his feet. He stepped on the flaming
carcinogen. "I really should stop smoking.." He mumbled to himself. Snake continued down the dirt path. every few minutes or so Snake looked back at the radar, then back on path.

Snake eventually got to a point were the path started to turned into grass. The trees became far and few between. He was getting closer to the open plain. Snake looked to the open plain on the radar. It seem to dip down to a small valley.

Snake arrived onto the plain looked down into the small valley. No cover at all. He would have to proceed with caution. Snake stepped onto the grass and looked up to the sky. The moon shined brightly down. The stars were as bright as pearls. Snake thought about the night was like back in his universe. To view the moon would be blocked by the ashes of burning buildings, vehicles, and the pollution of the abandoned chemical plants.

The noises of the cicadas and crickets died down. The grass who are you in the valley was wet and damp. Snake checked the radar once again. A blinking red dot came onto the screen, whatever it was, it was coming from the northwest swiftly. He reached into his holster and took out his
gun. It was aimed in the direction the personnel was coming from.

A red light appeared in the distance, in that same direction. There was
also the sound of small jets hovering. The moving object became clearer and clearer every second. when it was 30 feet away from Snake he had a good view of it. The object was a G.U.N Beetle. A hovering security robot used to patrol areas. This one in particular was different from the other models. It was armed with two fifty caliber machine guns, one on each side.

Snake did not like the situation at all. He wasn't wanting to go up against something that could shoot multiple fifty caliber rounds in under a few seconds. Especially having a handgun that only shot tranquilizer darts.

The robots right red glowing eye looked straight into Snake's pupils. "Unauthorized personnel in restricted area, examine with caution." It said in a metallic voice. The robot eye turned bright green which lit up Snake's entire body. Snake shifted his body into the CQC stance. The robots eye changed back to normal color.

"Scanning specimen records in G.U.N Archives." The robot stated as the two fifty caliber machine guns on both sides were cocked back on their own. The sound of those guns cocking back alarmed Snake. Something told him this robot was very friendly after all. He might not have a choice but to take this thing out.

"Archives show no record of specimen, exterminate unauthorized personnel immediately." It was clear now. Snake had to destroy this thing, no matter what. This robot just writ its own obituary.

Snake dove down to the ground, and looked underneath the robot. Underneath that was an access panel that read HIGH-VOLTAGE. "That must be the weak point of the robot." Snake thought. With a quick decision, Snake aimed his handgun at the panel. He hoped the darts were good enough to penetrate it.

It worked, the dart penetrated the panel like paper. Sparks flew out randomly, like bottle rockets on the Fourth of July. The robots machine guns started to fire at random as it was spinning out of control. Snake shielded his face and went to the prone position. Bullets flew inches away from his head.

The malfunctioning robot flew twenty feet out into the other parts of the valley, slamming into the ground at high speed. the collision sent fire and shrapnel flying everywhere. These shrapnel flew right over Snake's head, nicking his bandanna slightly.

Snake lifted his head from the ground and looked crashed mech. Smoke from the destroyed machine lifted into the air. Snake stumbled to his feet and approached it. As he was walking over, he put his gun back in the holster.

When Snake approached he noticed the motherboard of the robot was still intact. He looked closer into it. "I must be seeing things, there is no way in hell G.U.N would store all the data on that." Snake chuckled. He wasn't seeing things. All the memory on the robot was stored on what appeared to be an SD card that was inserted into a port.

Snake ejected the card and held it between his thumb, and index finger of his right hand. He examined it carefully. The card has the G decal on it. He reached around to the back of these utility harness pulled out his portable node. He opened SD card slot to see if it would fit. It fit perfectly. On the screen a password enter sequence came up. In the right corner with animated sprite of Otacon came up.

Snake felt a bit of sadness. "Otacon..." He mumbled silently. "So, what do we have here Snake?" the sprite asked. "Ah looks like a password." It added. "Twenty digit password, piece of cake." Twenty characters were immediately entered into the password sequence. "Snake this is too easy." The sprite said. Snake looked at the sprite. "How did you figure it out?" Snake asked. "Simple Snake, key-logging." It replied.

A menu appeared on the screen. One selection read: Search Archives. Snake pressed that selection. A search box came up. "So who are we looking for again Snake?" the sprite asked. "A blue hedgehog." Snake replied. The words: 'blue hedgehog' appeared in the search box.

A few seconds later a file up that was labeled 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. "Open that." Snake told the sprite. The file was opened up. Photos and data written. Snake noticed an option that read: Track. "Otacon, we found our hedgehog." Snake said smiling. "All right good deal." the sprite replied. "Good luck Snake." The sprite disappeared. A GPS screen appeared. Which was giving the exact coordinates and movement of the blue hedgehog. Snake smiled. "You're mine... Sonic the Hedgehog."

The GPS screen was directing Snake back towards Soleanna. He stared back at the screen. It was a different area of Soleanna. It was the New City district. Snake had entered the forest through the Castle Town district. "So there is two districts huh." Snake thought.

Snake followed the coordinates of the GPS towards New City district. He stepped off the grass onto a smooth, paved path made of asphalt. It was no ordinary path. Snake stared down the pavement. On this path there were yellow dotted lines, stretching out as far as the eye could see. "Wait, this is not a path." Snake thought. "It's a road."

Snake saw bright yellow headlights heading in his direction. They were shining from over a 1/3 mile away. Snake stepped off the road to the right. He leaned his back against the back side of a tree out of sight of the oncoming vehicle. Though the sound was not tires hitting the road. They were trends, most likely the trends of a tank.

A whooshing sound passed through Snake's ears. The vehicle past. Snake looked over his shoulder to the right. His suspicion was right, it was a tank. The tank was black and had the G.U.N decal on the side. The tank was moving at a constant speed of 20 five miles per hour.

It was heading towards the open plain. Snake got a little nervous. "If they find the wreckage of that robot, G.U.N will goon alert." Snake said. There was nothing Snake could do. He had to keep going towards his objective: Sonic.

Snake stepped back onto the road and sprinted towards New City district. He could see the lights coming from some of the buildings and street lights. The brush disappeared as he went farther down the road. Snake now stood on the hill side looking over the part of the city. "You've got to be kidding me..." Snake grumbled.

The whole area of the district was serving as a G.U.N Outpost. Soldiers were on almost every corner of the streets. He would have to engage some of them to advance. Snake took out his M92FS as he would be needing it, as it seems.

The roaring sound of propellers of a helicopter came over the horizon towards the marina. Snake put his gun away and reached around to grabbed his binoculars. He looked into them and focused on the marina. A Mi-24 Hind was hovering over a helipad near the marina. A soldier gestured his hand and gave the all clear signal for the landing.

"A Hind?" Snake wondered. "Ocelot must be providing them with Russian arms." He added. The Mi-24 landed on the helipad. A pilot stepped out of the cockpit. He walked over to the side door and pulled it open. Ocelot stood and stepped down out of the helicopter. The pilot saluted and closed the door behind him . "What is he up to know?" Snake thought.

Ocelot held a closed and tightly sealed envelop in his right hand. Snake followed his movements with the binoculars. Ocelot walked towards an apartment building just a little ways off. Then stepped inside.

Snake put his binoculars back around his utility harness. He pulled out his M92FS. "Looks like I have to stealth my way through." With that said Snake ran down the hill and into the shadows of the night. He peered his head around a corner of a more modern looking building. A soldier was sitting against the building with his assault rifle leaning against the wall. Another soldier came over from around the opposite corner.

"Hey!" "You slacking on the job?" He asked. The soldier looked at him. "No, I was just having my break" The soldier replied as he was getting up. The other soldier walked over to him and helped him up. "Major is here, just arrived by helicopter." He told the soldier. "Already? Command told me he would be here soon, but jeez not this soon." The soldier replied picking up his assault rifle. The two walked back towards the marina.

Snake ran along side the building and snuck behind them. Snake walked with his gun aimed in front of him. He looked from side to side to make sure he was not in view of the soldiers. Snake spotted the apartment building that Ocelot strolled into. He crouched below the windows and peaked in. There were five windows on the first floor on the west side. Nothing in the first, or the second. As Snake looked into the third he saw an older looking man with a black decorated G.U.N uniform.

He was staring off into space. The man had one blue eye, the other was brown. The man suffered from a genetic mutation known as Heterochromia. He was sitting in an office chair with his hands lied out against the desk.

Ocelot walked into the room and shut the door. "Major Ocelot, I hoped you would arrive soon." The man said. "Sorry for be so early Commander." Ocelot replied. Snake looked interested in the conversation now. The man in the uniform was the G.U.N Commander. "No problem, Major." "What is it you have to tell me?" The Commander asked. Ocelot sat a pocket envelop on the desk. "Just over a few hours ago the blockade in Castle Town district was attacked by, what we believe to be a terrorist." Ocelot explained. "A terrorist?" The Commander asked. "Yes sir, just a terrorist." Ocelot replied.

Snake started to look frustrated. "Great, Ocelot has G.U.N supporting him..." He groaned. He looked back in and listened. "He managed to eliminate the entire platoon guarding the blockade." Ocelot told The Commander. The Commander leaned back in his chair. "Go on." He said. Ocelot opened the envelop and shuffled some black and white photos taken by cameras above the area. "We've identified the man as Solid Snake, a Anti-Militia terrorist bent on making sure G.U.N stops protecting Soleanna." He explained.

The Commander looked at the photos. "You think he is in league with Doctor Eggman?" He asked. "Can't say sire." Ocelot replied. The photos showed Snake taking on the soldiers at the blockade. "I'll have my best two agents on the case, he must still be in Soleanna." He told Ocelot. "Yes Commander, of coarse" Ocelot replied. The Commander sat upright. Ocelot saluted and headed for the door. "Wait Major, there is something I need to tell you." The Commander said. Ocelot turned around. "Yes sir?" Ocelot wondered. "If your men find him before my agents do, bring him back alive." The Commander told Ocelot. Ocelot nodded. "I'll make sure of it Commander." He replied as he headed out of the room.

Snake stopped peering in and ran around the building and headed for the marina. He stealthy walked around boxes and crates. Then the clanking sound of spurs was heard from behind. Snake turned and aimed his sights. Ocelot appeared and stared out to sea. "What brings you to this fine city of Soleanna, Snake?" Ocelot asked not looking at him. "I was about to ask you the same." Snake replied.

Ocelot looked at Snake. "Don't worry Snake, I will not have my men kill you, or even capture you." He said. Ocelot stepped onto the helipad. "I'll deal with you myself!" He tossed his jacket to the ground and hopped into the cockpit of the Mi-24 and turned the engines on. He closed the opening above him.

Snake shot the glass but his darts could not penetrate. "I will not have you ruin this world to!" Ocelot growled over a P.A. system. The Mi-24 took off into the air and a spot light shined over Snake. A guard spotted the commotion and ran off yelling. "Enemy sighted! Go to High Alert!" He yelled. Ocelot contacted all the soldiers on the radio. "Leave this me, stand down men."

The Mi-24 flew overhead and did a U-Turn. "Taste this!" Ocelot yelled as he began to fire the helicopters rockets. One rocket hit the crate besides Snake and the impact blew Snake to the ground. Debris and dust covered Snake's atmosphere. Snake got up slowly and hid behind a crate. "Show yourself Snake!" Ocelot demanded. Snake stood in deep thought. He could not take on a military helicopter with just a tranquilizer dart handgun. Snake looked around the boxes while staying low. There had to be a rocket launcher somewhere. Ocelot fired more rounds around the marina. Pieces of the wood blasted into the air from the docks. Snake opened a crate and found a tow cable laying inside.

Snake picked it up and wrapped it around his shoulder. "It will have to do." Snake thought. He ran back into the streets dodging gunfire from the Mi-24. Snake grasped the tow cable in both hands. He could hear the helicopter getting close to his position. He twirled it with great force. "Come on.." Snake growled. "Show yourself you son of a bitch." The Mi-24 hovered above Snake and shined the spotlight on him.

Snake let go and the cable latched on to the wheel. He quickly tied it to other end to a nearby truck. The Mi-24 couldn't lift the heavily armored truck and was hovering in the same spot. "Damn this thing!" Ocelot yelled in anger.

Snake jumped on top of the truck and scaled the cable up to the bottom of the Mi-24. He climbed up to the cockpit and punched the glass. Ocelot grabbed Snake's arm and tried to push him back. Snake put up a fight and two were dueling in mid-air. "Why Ocelot?" "Why did you join them!?" Snake asked. "So I could get rid of you Snake!" Ocelot replied. He grunted as he pushed.

Snake finally got the upper hand and knocked Ocelot out. Snake tossed him out and he fell for only fifteen feet. Snake deactivated the engines and slid down the rope before the Mi-24 spun out of control backwards. It crashed into the ground and exploded in a fiery inferno.

Snake dusted off his harness and looked at the flames. Suddenly, G.U.N Soldiers surrounded him at gunpoint. The Commander walked in between the the soldiers. "So we finally have you, Solid Snake" The Commander said. "I ask for you to stand down and surrender." Snake had no choice. He was surrounded. He put his hands in the air. Ocelot struggled to his feet. "Commander... looks like we finally have him." He said as he got to his feet. "Major, you alright?" The Commander asked looking concerned. "I'm fine." Ocelot replied. "Alright, arrest this man." The Commander ordered. A soldier grabbed Snake's arms and hand cuffed them.

A UH-1 helicopter flew into the street and landed at the intersection. "Take him to the G.U.N Fortress in Central City." The Commander said. "Yes sir." The soldier who handcuffed Snake replied as he and three other soldiers escorted him to the helicopter. "Damn it, now I've done it..." Snake thought.
Solid Snake's adventure into Soleanna continues as his search for Sonic The Hedgehog begins.

Contains: Language, Violence, and Use of Tobacco.

Solid Snake and other characters related to Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid are owned by Konami(C), and Kojima Productions(C),

Sonic and all related characters are owned by SEGA(C), and Sonic Team(C).
© 2011 - 2024 HyperShadow55
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m1a1t7t's avatar
This is turning out pretty good. But where is Snake's cardboard box? I apologize if this is a stupid question but I don't know much about snake except what I've played on Super Smash brothers Brawl.